Foreign Rights:
Face It, by Vivian Diller, Ph.D, with Jill Muir-Sukenick, Ph.D, and edited by Michele Willens is a psychological guide to help women deal with the emotions brought on by their changing appearances. As models turned psychotherapists, Diller and Sukenick have had the opportunity to examine the world of beauty from two very different vantage points. This unique perspective helped them develop a six-step program that begins with recognizing “uh-oh” moments that reveal the reality of changing looks, and goes on to identify the masks used to cover deeper issues and define the role beauty plays in a woman’s life, and ends with bidding adieu to old definitions of beauty, so women can enjoy their appearance—at any age!
“A smart book for smart women. There is something here for all of us, and it is a perfect gift for others we care about.”
— Hoda Kotb, co-host, Today show
Face It! forces us to face the way our beauty culture looks at aging and how it affects the way baby boomer women feel about themselves. I congratulate amazing woman Dr. Vivian Diller for giving women a voice and stepping forward as a role model for women who are advancing through their own decades. With each book, like Face It, each blog, article and media appearance, Vivian helps women fight invisibility and shines the light on how beautiful and valuable we all are at every age.
—Dr. Nancy O’Reilly, founder of WomenSpeak.com
“Finally, not just another beauty book. As someone in the public eye, I truly appreciate the authors’ understanding—having been there themselves—of how all women deal with complicated reactions to their aging appearance. Face It offers a refreshing perspective and long lasting solutions. It’s a book you can give to your mother, your daughter or any woman who wants to feel and look great at any age.”
— Sela Ward, Actress
“Face It is the thinking woman’s guide to looking and being one’s best at any age. Tapping into “the closet fears” of every woman's vanity, the authors provide well-researched, healthy initiatives for a generation of readers caught in the conflict of chasing waning youth versus aging with grace, confidence and innovation.”
— Andrea Robinson, Former president of Ultima 11, Ralph Lauren Fragrances, Tom Ford Beauty, and Prescriptives. Former beauty editor of Vogue
“This book is a wakeup call to the beauty industry . . . as it deals with the true core of women’s feelings as they age. It makes you realize that yet another “anti-aging” cream or procedure is not the panacea. It is the definition of beauty that needs to evolve as we age, to be broader, more realistic and accepting than the narrow, physical definition that is ingrained in our psyches.”
— Daria Myers, Co-founder of Origins cosmetic line
"As a forty-something woman, I found this book intriguing and was pleased to discover that it lived up to its billing of helping women navigate such a challenging time in our lives. Face It helps women of any age to gain an understanding of how to fully own the aging process and not react out of fear to our changing looks and bodies, but to, instead, appreciate and learn from the journey."
— Gita Tewari, Feminist Review
This book will help you to grow old gracefully, from the lines and wrinkles on the outside, to the emotional stuff you might have going on, on the inside!
— Simply Stacie |
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